--By Maddie Kosloski of the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum

12 days and counting until Halloween! We'll have spooky doings at the Paranormal Museum every day but Mondays (when we're closed), so stop on by!
And now, here are my top 5 picks for paranormal news of the week!
1) The Vital Role of Psychological Evaluations in Paranormal Investigations. (Because not every haunting is paranormal).
2) OUT: Unicorn hunting licenses. IN: Unicorn questing licenses. Yes, you can get the latter in Michigan. Which makes me want to go to Michigan.
3) Lucid dreaming: the first ever two-way dream communication?
4) Do we need a new science of spirituality? Is that even possible in the realm of the non-material?
5) A new real estate business model: buy the most haunted house in the UK and charge people big bucks to spend the night there. And it seems to be working.