Farewell to 2021, and welcome to 2022! Let's hope the coming year is better (and less murdery) than the last. And now, here's my round-up of this week's paranormal news!
1) So, there's this article by Nick Redfern which asks if a book can be paranormal and supernaturally hazardous. But weird story--I actually heard of one that was. I mean, it was a crazy story involving a Necronomicon and some witches in Doyle, but it was enough to raise the hairs on the back of my neck. Part of me would love to get the book for the museum, the other part of me... not so much.
3) Here at the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum, we have Central Calfiornia's best collection of spiritualist artifacts. So I was excited to see this article about this seance diary from Victorian England.
Best wishes in the New Year from everyone at the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum!