--By Hyperion Night of Beanblossom's Tea and Tarot
Greetings! As you know, there are many Tarot card spreads available to use for reading Tarot cards. And I discuss the ten-card Celtic Cross spread in my Tarot guidebook, The Mysteries of Tarot.
However, before you delve into the more intricate spreads, it's important to familiarize yourself with the meanings of each card and how they relate to you when they are in a spread (my book is a great place to start, hint, hint). Once you feel comfortable with each card on its own, you can begin to learn how to read them in a spread.
For beginners, a three-card spread is an excellent way to start. But even before you attempt this, there is a good exercise you can do daily. The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the cards and the art of reading them. It's an easy exercise that will strengthen your abilities when it comes to reading cards in general.
Here's what you do: shuffle your cards and pull one card a day to see what your day will be like. Based on the card you pull, give yourself a reading with that card. Analyze what that card will mean to you that day. This exercise is an excellent way to get familiar with the cards and their meanings. It also helps you develop your sense of intuition, which is crucial for reading the Tarot deck.
Now, let's move on to the three-card spread. Here are the steps to conduct a three-card reading:
Step 1: Focus on your question.
Step 2: Shuffle your cards.
Step 3: Pick one card and place it in the center of the table. This card represents the "present situation" in relation to the question you asked.
Step 4: Pick another card and place it to the left of the first card. This is the past in relation to the question you asked. Keep in mind that the past could be the day before or even the night before. It doesn't necessarily mean years ago based on what you asked. This card connects you to the present situation or middle card.
Step 5: Pick your third card and place it to the right of the middle card. This is the future or outcome position to the question. Keep in mind that the future could mean later that day. It doesn't necessarily mean a year from now.
And there you have it! You just did a reading using the three-card spread. Simple and to the point. When you feel comfortable with this type of spread, you can begin to explore more complex types of spreads. Remember, practice makes perfect, and with time (and my book), you'll become an expert at reading the Tarot deck before you know it!