I'm going through a rebrand! This probably sounds a lot more exciting for me than it does for you. But, if you're a newsletter subscriber, there are two big changes on the way.
The first is I will no longer be giving away a free copy of The Alchemical Detective, book 1 in the Riga Hayworth paranormal mysteries/urban fantasy novels. Instead, I will be giving away The Melancholy Detective, a Riga Hayworth novellete exclusive to members of The Ravenous Society.
AND, I'll also give away Fortune Favors the Grave, a novella in my new Tea and Tarot series. Fortune Favors the Grave is also exclusive to Ravenous members.
Though these may seem like two wildly different series, their heroines, Riga and Abigail, are both strong, independent women with complicated pasts. One just lives in a comedy and the other is a demon fighter. I think you'll enjoy them both.
If you're a current subscriber, never fear! I'll send you The Melancholy Detective and Fortune Favors the Grave so you're not left out.
And the second change? You'll start seeing the above header in your emails. I wanted to stick with my raven logo, because it's cool and mysterious. But I also wanted to have fun with my cozy mysteries, which... well, to be frank, there's a lot of food in them. Hence The Ravenous Society.
So watch for the new header in your inbox and your two, fresh new mysteries this May!
-Kirsten Weiss