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Paranormal News! 30 November

Maddie Kosloski

paranormal news of the week - lizard sticking his tongue out

Did you know the Victorians had a tradition of telling ghost stories on Christmas Eve? Maybe it's because winter was the traditional spooky season back in the day. Cold. Darkness. Not a lot of food. At the paranormal museum, starting December 1st, we're exploring the supernatural elements of the holiday season -- from St. Nick to Grylla the Christmas Ogress. So stop on by!

In the meantime, here's your weekly roundup of paranormal news:

1) 2018 is the 30th anniversary of the South Carolina lizard man! Here's a timeline of his (?) appearances.

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the fictional and skeptical proprietor of the imaginary San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. Don't miss her holiday adventures in the museum in Deja Moo, book 3 in The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series of cozy mystery novels.

The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum cozy mysteries

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