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Paranormal News! 16 November

Maddie Kosloski

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I'll be honest. It was a slow news week for the paranormal world, and I really had to struggle for these crumbs. I'm not asking for your pity, just explaining why this is so alien-heavy.

1) Several airplane pilots flying into Ireland spotted a UFO. The sighting is currently being investigated, though some are saying it was most likely a meteor.

2) Fed up with shadowy government investigators, a billionaire is funding is own initiative to seek alien life.

3) A doorbell camera caught what might possibly be a ghost? Or not? You be the judge.

5) You'd think scientists and engineers would report fewer paranormal experiences than lay people, but you'd think wrong. A recent study shows the rational skeptics report about the same level of weirdness they can't explain.

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the fictional proprietor of the imaginary San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about her cozy mystery adventures in The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum books - now available as audio books!

The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum cozy mystery novels cover images

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