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Paranormal News! 6 July

Maddie Kosloski

OMG, can it get any hotter? I am SO glad I work indoors and in air conditioning. (Yes, we've got A/C, so after you go wine tasting, drop on by the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum to cool off!).

And now, onward to the paranormal news of the week!

1) UFO sightings are dropping! And I love that someone bothered to graph the statistics in this article.

2) It's here! It's here! The first trailer for Wellington Paranormal, the spin-off of the hysterical supernatural comedy, What We Do in the Shadows. Fingers crossed it's as good as the movie (available on Amazon Prime).

5) July 2nd was World UFO Day! Yes, it's a thing!

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the imaginary proprietor of the fictional San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about the shenanigans, frivolities, and ghostly goings-on there in The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series of cozy mystery novels.

Paranormal Museum cozy mysteries

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