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Paranormal News! 2 March 2018

Maddie Kosloski

Welcome to March! They say March is in like a lion and out like a lamb. I hope it's true, because it is seriously cold and breezy here in buccolic San Benedetto. The way the oak branches groan in the wind inspires a thousand ghost stories... And here are some real life stories of the weird and paranormal:

1) Leicester, England has a new haunted antiques research center. Now that's niche! Of course, if you visit the San Benedetto Paranormal museum, you'll not only see haunted antiques but also some haunted history. So we're better. And we're in California, which is a lot easier to get to if you happen to be in America.

2) Is this toddler's tantrum being egged on by a ghost? Or maybe the ghost is trying to quiet the kid down? In any case, creeeeeepy...

4) A Swedish museum dedicated to Europe's "last witch" just got a million dollar donation. Even though the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum is 100% private sector, I'm a little jealous.

5) A hiker has uploaded footage to YouTube of... Bigfoot? You be the judge.

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the imaginary proprietor of the fictional San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about them both in the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series of cozy mystery novels. The third book in the series, Deja Moo, arrives in bookstores on March 8th.

Deja Moo Paranormal Museum

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