Maybe it's because Halloween is coming, but witches were all over the news this week. So I decided not to fight it and just go with the witchy theme.
1) Witchcraft and feminism. A Salem witch explains what brought her to the craft.
2) And another Salem witch explains what pop culture gets right and wrong on witchcraft.
3) This is one of the reasons I love the Internet -- access to cool lectures like this one. Humboldt professor Ben Marschke discusses the "science" of 16th century witchcraft and the witch trials in: "Witches: Sex and Science in the 16th Century."
5) Lifetime is coming out with a new horror film: "Amish Witches: The True Story of Holmes County." Except it's not true, and only "based on" a true story in the loosest possible sense. I'll watch it anyway. I mean, Amish witches! How can I resist that?
About the Author
Kirsten Weiss writes genre-blending cozy mystery, urban fantasy, and steampunk suspense, mixing her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem.