Each Big Murder Mystery novel (coming later in 2022) will have an exclusive mystery role-playing game in the back. Here's what the cover for the 1920s game set in the world of fictional Nowhere Nevada looks like:
Why a 1920s game when Big Shot is set in the present day? Several of the characters are player in the local mystery dinner theater, and their most popular shows are 1920s mysteries. This game mirrors the theater show (but it's not identical, so you won't know whodunit if you read the book and play the game.
There will also be a link in the back of the book so you can download a PDF version of the game to print out.
You can pre-order Big Shot for only .99 cents before May 31st, 2022 and get access to the Flappers and Fall Guys game when the book launches AND a separate, free pre-order bonus game set in modern-day Nowhere right now!