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By subscribing, you will receive the Kitchen Witch course and updates about my latest books. I will not share your email address, and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email.
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The Witches of Doyle are amateur detectives and practical witches. So I’m offering this free gift: a 5-day email course in kitchen witchery.
For five days, you’ll receive a fresh email in your inbox with a lesson and a quick assignment (each no more than 15 minutes long, because I know how busy you are). There will be spells, recipes, recipes for spells… Did I mention it’s free?
So get in it, get on it, and invite a friend!
And be sure to join the Facebook live course starting October 21st on my Facebook page! The class starts at 9 AM PST, Noon EST, and it runs through October 25th!
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